AE Formations

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Establishment Registration Services

Establishment Registration Services in Dubai, UAE | Establishment License in UAEEmbarking on a solo entrepreneurial journey in the UAE? AE Formations is your go-to partner for setting up Establishments, the most straightforward business structure for individual owners in the region.

Establishment licenses are primarily issued by mainland licensing authorities in the UAE. However, some free zone licensors now offer licenses under the term FZE, which denotes ‘Free Zone Establishment’. It’s crucial to note that in many such instances, these FZEs function as distinct legal entity, often resembling a ‘One Person Company’ (OPC) in structure.

Why to opt for Establishment License in UAE?

For solo entrepreneurs and small business owners, the Establishment model stands out in the UAE. Below are the major reasons why it is a preferred choice.

  1. Quick Setup: Minimal time to get started. Since there are no partners involved, there is no requirement to draft corporate documents such as Memorandum of Association (MOA), Articles of Association (AOA) or partnership deeds. This reduced level of documentation and approvals saves on time. Establishment licenses can be obtained, ideally within a week, provided the business activity does not require a special approval from other regulatory bodies or departments.
  2. Cost effective: Establishment licenses can be registered with considerably lower costs compared to other business structures. This reduction in licensing cost significantly reduces the licensing and renewal costs.
  3. Ease of Licensing: Obtaining an establishment license follows a simplified procedures for a and offers a hassle-free start to your business.
  4. Full Ownership: Establishment licenses are issued to a single person. Entrepreneurs can retain 100% control over their operations without complex corporate structuring.
  5. Lower capital requirement: Establishment licenses, in many cases, do not require a capital introduction to get started. This eases the initial cash flow requirement.
  6. Bank account in business name: With establishment license, banks open business accounts in the name of the establishment.

Why Choose AE Formations for registering your Establishment licenses in UAE?

At AE Formations, we offer comprehensive business set up services that cater to your specific business requirements. Our team of experts will guide you through the entire process, from initial planning to business registration and beyond.

We assist with all legal and regulatory compliance requirements, including obtaining necessary approvals from licensing authorities, drafting service agent agreement. We offer full range of corporate services including business set up, secretarial compliances, visa assistance and other support services.

Let your business aspirations take flight in the UAE. With AE Formations by your side, transitioning from an idea to a fully-fledged Establishment is seamless. Trust us to transform your entrepreneurial dreams into tangible success.

Reach out to us or book a free consultation for aninsightful discussion regarding forming an establishment license in the UAE.

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